Trinity Clinics

Trinity Volleyball Clinics provide the perfect opportunity for your daughter to “up-skill” by focusing her training time on improving certain aspects of her game. In our skills clinics, athletes are able to maximize their repetitions…practicing certain parts of their game that need special attention, or reinforcing key concepts and strategies that will provide a competitive edge during the volleyball game.

Volleyball skills clinics we offer

  • All-Skills
  • Serving
  • Passing
  • Setting
  • Hitting (Attack)
  • Blocking
  • Back Row (DS/Libero)
  • Offensive & Defensive Concepts
  • Game-Simulation

We offer volleyball skills clinics every Tuesday evening throughout the year, and each clinic lasts 1.5 hours. Each Trinity Clinic is designed to maximize repetitions and skill development for each player. Our clinics are fun and engaging, and each athlete is given opportunities to achieve optimum results from her training efforts.

Our trinity clinics pledge

Because we are a family-focused and parent-friendly program, we encourage parents to stay for the entire duration of each volleyball clinic. We will always leave space in our gym for you to observe each session so that you know exactly what your daughter is learning and how she is progressing.

Trinity Volleyball Academy remains committed to empowering young athletes and fostering a lifelong love for the game. By organizing clinics that address all facets of the game, we facilitate the growth and development that your daughter needs and prepare her for the highest possible level of success.

We limit enrollment in each volleyball clinic to a maximum of 16 girls so that we are able to devote as much time as possible optimizing instruction for each athlete and teaching proper mechanics which is a critical element in your daughter’s ability to maximize her game over time. You can view our complete list of offerings and enroll your daughter in an upcoming skills clinic by clicking on the button below. We can’t wait to meet you and help your daughter become her absolute best!

Interested in REGISTERING FOR A trinity Clinic?

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